LCUK is a services business, providing professional loyalty services to a range of industries and for an extensive range of companies across four continents.

The services we provide fall into three main categories; consulting, implementation and operations. We are uniquely placed to be able to provide expert, strategic advice about consumer loyalty whilst also being able to provide the services to implement such advice and then be able to support the implementation with a full operational service – a one stop shop for consumer loyalty.

Our consulting services and capabilities are based on the decades of experience we have as a multi-disciplined team of professionals with backgrounds in all the key industries we serve and in the application of the advice we give. Our consulting delivers innovation backed by pragmatism – years of knowledge and experience provided by a focussed, inquisitive and enthusiastic team of professionals.

Our implementation services have developed over the years out of the demand from our clients to stick around and help implement our advice. Today, we provide a full implementation service, providing the project management through to the technology deployment. We select the best solutions and services to deliver the business’ requirements; we oversee the entire delivery ensuring that the translation of our advice is perfect and uncompromising.

Our operational services meet the needs of clients who wish to either outsource their entire loyalty operations or those who merely wish to support the in-house team whilst they gain the necessary experience to take on full responsibility. LCUK can provide a fully outsourced service using the latest in cloud technology or we can assist clients through a launch to ensure the experience is on hand at a critical time for customer service.

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