Scheme Development
Like quality, loyalty is a journey not a destination
This old adage is crucially important to understand and observe. Loyalty schemes need constant monitoring, ensuring that all KPI’s are being met and/or exceeded. Any mass market customer initiative has a ‘shelf life’, speaks to a mass audience for limited timespan,and is effective whilst it captures the imagination of its intended audience. In most circumstances, a successful loyalty scheme targets a long term relationship where desirable changes in behaviour are pursued in return for a reward that improves in value over time. The membership of a loyalty scheme need to believe in its longevity through a consistent set of messages communicated regularly and under-pinned with positive evidence of intent and commitment from the scheme operator. This complex communications requirement is made all the more difficult by the need for fresh and captivating content that can carry the consumer along a path to rewards that may extend to months if not a few years. This is what LCUK term as scheme development and it is of vital importance to the overall operation of a scheme.
It follows that scheme development includes the planning and execution of new features and functions as well as new capabilities, rewards and offers that deliver strategic improvements to the scheme. Consumers can then view such developments positively and with enthusiasm – keeping the scheme fresh.
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